Rockefeller University Press

Uprzejmie informujemy o uzyskaniu dostępu testowego do trzech tytułów czasopism wydawnictwa Rockeffeler University Press. Dostęp obowiązuje do 31.12.2021.

Journal of Cell Biology -  Established in 1955, it publishes advances in any area of basic cell biology as well as applied cellular advances in fields such as immunology, neurobiology, metabolism, microbiology, developmental biology, and plant biology. With an Impact Factor of 8.81, JCB ranks 21st in Cell Biology among primary research journals.

Journal of Experimental Medicine - Established 1896, it publishes papers providing novel conceptual insight into immunology, neuroscience, cancer biology, vascular biology, microbial pathogenesis, and stem cell biology. With an Impact Factor of 11.743, JEM ranks 4thin Medicine, Research and Experimental and 5th in Immunology among primary research journals.

Journal of General Physiology - Established in 1918, it publishes mechanistic and quantitative cellular and molecular physiology of the highest quality. With an Impact Factor of 3.628, JGP ranks 11th in Physiology among primary research journals.

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data publikacji: 2021.06.17